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2016 HALF Marathon blog

A running blog, sharing the journey of training for my first Half-Marathon.

Week 41-42: The Marathon

IT'S OVER! We did it! It has been a little while since we actually survived the ordeal, but I needed a little bit of time to not only...

Week 40: Are We There Yet?

Wait, are we done?! Did we just complete our last full training week? Week 40 is done and in the time that we could have grown real-life...

Week 34-37: The Long Run Insanity

So this happened today. It was a monumental moment. I didn't say it was pretty! In the face of a 13km run, and running through ice cold...

Week 33: Foam Rolling Frenzy

This week started off with one thing that I didn't have the week before. Motivation. Hallelujah! Out of nowhere, I had somehow regained...

Week 30-32: Cold, Wet and Careless

Wow. It has been 3 weeks since my last post. I am still here, I promise! And we are still training! I haven't been in the best of places...

Week 28-29: Coasting the Coast

Week 28 Into the second week of the final plan, and I was over it. Honestly, I woke up Monday morning and was not having any of it: Work,...

Week 27: The Final Countdown

And it begins! This may be week 27, but it is also week 16 in the countdown of only 16 weeks to go to the KI Half Marathon! Let's do...

Week 26: 1 step back, 1 mile forward

I forgot to tell you about the amazing gift I received last week! Seemingly out of nowhere I received a package at work, and opened it to...

Week 25: Kick-starting Motivation

Ok, ok, ok. So I have been a little down and out about my apparent injuries and living in my own little pity-party the last couple of...

Running Tubby

One of the main reasons I have stayed away from learning to run in the past, was because of my weight. I know that doesn't make a whole...

Week 24: Stubborn Recovery

I was in such a state of despair this week at the thought that I might be completely debilitated by my injuries. I had to ensure that I...

Week 23: Girl's Weekend!

I so very much wanted to be excited about this week and what the weekend would bring, but I couldn't help feel defeated knowing that the...

Week 21: Clare as Mud

With the 4day weekend behind us, I slipped back into work with post holiday depression. It was a Tuesday so I determinedly grabbed my...

Week 20: All Things (not) Running

You know it has been a busy week when you wake up Thursday morning with little recollection of surviving Monday through Wednesday. It was...

Week 18-19: Lofty Laments

I am falling behind! In my blog writing that is, not my training. My training is actually still going pretty good! We hope. Week 18 I...

Week 17: The Perfect Pushup

New blog! Weee! Wait, where was I? Oh right... I had a moment today where I had to stop and actually ask myself: “How on earth did this...

Week 16: Limbo

Overall, this week was utter shit. And yet, the one run that Rhi and I did manage to complete together, was the longest run we have...

Week 13-15: Life vs Training

Long time no see, friends! It has been a few weeks since I have logged a blog because of a bucket load of insanity that has been recently...


Want to start at the beginning? Click here for Week 1: Day One - Rest

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