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  • Sammy

Week 20: All Things (not) Running

You know it has been a busy week when you wake up Thursday morning with little recollection of surviving Monday through Wednesday.

It was a four day week this week, with a looming 4day break over Easter, but my lack of food restraint and exercise motivation made it clear that I was already in holiday mode by 9am Monday morning.

It has been 20 weeks since we started. 20 weeks.

And surprisingly, this was the first week that I had completely fallen off the wagon.

No exercise and so, so much delicious food and wine.

I did happen to make time to experience my first full remedial massage, however.

Rob did a great job of finding every single inch of sore flesh I had and poking it until it was on fire.

Surprisingly, I felt great afterwards and I wasn't even sore the next day. We booked me in again for the following week with the intention that I would run before then and be able to give him feedback on the things that had been ailing me since we started.

Of course, Thursday came around much quicker than I anticipated and straight after work Chris and I found ourselves driving all the way down the coast for the Easter weekend, finally pulling in for the night at about 11pm in SouthEnd at a little B&B right on the water.

The rest of the weekend sped by in a blur as we chilled out with Chris's parents in a quiet campsite in Canunda National Park, and although we failed at fishing we did manage to unwind and unplug with no electricity or reception while we were away.

After so much going on with work, training and saving for the wedding, it was quiet bliss in comparison.

This whole week I couldn't shake that quiet itch in the back of my brain. That guilt, for having not trained for the whole week.

I was beginning to feel nervous about my next run.

How much had I fallen behind? How much fitness have I lost?

We had a 10k race coming up in the following week and both Rhi and I had, if only momentarily, completely stopped our training.

I knew that we were capable of running more than 10km a couple weeks ago and now I wasn't so sure.

According the the wise and ever providing internet, having more than 10 solid days off from training means that you cannot just chuck your trainers on and smash out the same miles you were smashing before.

We were behind, but we didn't know how much, and I was hyper aware that if Rhi and I tried to smash a 10km run after having a break, that we could injure ourselves.

With only one more week to the race, we couldn't really try catching up on the miles either because we would need some kind of recovery and taper to have our bodies fresh for the race.

It was so confusing.

In other news, our workplace finally agreed to allow us to book the reservations for the Kangaroo Island Marathon.

I had gotten myself into a panic after we realised how quickly the accommodation was booking out, and on checking the website, I realised that there must be a lot of interest because even the additional 'add-on' tours and post-race dinners had booked out. We were going to have to get in soon or risk missing out altogether.

Using the company credit card, I secured our ferry transfers and actually paid for the race registrations for both Rhi and I.

Everything was so real in that moment.

We had been talking about doing this for so long and now we finally had that little bit of paper that meant that we were expect to not only be there, but to participate.

I felt so much more guilty for having softened in my training and told myself that after the 10k race, we were going to have to pull our heads in to be ready in time.

5 months to go!

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