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There have been many adaptations to my weekly training plan and schedule since I started.  


Here is an overview of what I have been doing as my training has progressed.

In the beginning, there were intervals (Nov 2015 - Feb 2016)

Rhi and I started slowly with the Couch to Five Km (C25K) app, which starts with running increments as short as 60 seconds with a slow build up.  On our 'cross-training' days, we opted for Cycling on Wednesday and after the first couple of weeks, added another cross-training day on Saturday which we filled in with a 5-10km hike in the Adelaide Hills.


Apps used:

  • MapMyFitness - for GPA tracking

  • MapMyRun - for running program inspisation

  • C25K - for interval coaching


General training program:

6-day madness (Feb - Apr 2016)

Once we completed the C25K program and could comfortably run 5km, Rhi and I decided to up our game and fill in our Thursdays with additional cross-training. We had initially thought to start speed training, but have been advised to wait until we can comfortably run 10km before we go down that road. 


Rhi put us onto the Kayla Itsines (KI) routines so we placed those in our cross-training slots. We also joined a beginners running group on Sundays which was free of charge with our new South Australian Road Runners Club (SARRC) membership - we get cheap race entry to events all over Adelaide as well, so we enrolled in a couple of smaller races to keep up our motivation. Go ahead and visit my Races page to check them out.


Apps used:

  • MapMyFitness - for GPA tracking

  • HIIT Interval Training Timer - for Kayla Itsines routines

  • 10K - for interval coaching from 5km to 10km

  • RockMy Run - amazing mashup app that, for a small fee, can change the tempo of the music to match your steps if you so wish it.


General training program:

Kayla Itsines Supplement Crosstraining Routines (Feb - Apr 2016)

The following training circuits are what Rhi and I are using for our Cross training days, i.e. Wednesday "KI - Legs & Cardio".

Half Marathon Training Plan (Apr - Aug 2016) - Pre-Injury

We are finally getting somewhere!

I have created the following plan, tailored specifically the way we want it, using the following resources for inspiration and guidance:

Pace Terms

These are the terms as described on the SARRC training plan notes, with our current training paces in brackets. for reference.


  • Race: Your target 10km race pace (07:00)

  • Easy: A pace you feel comfortable talking (08:00)

  • Tempo: 30 seconds slower than race pace (07:30)

  • Long run: Usually 1-2min slower than race pace (08:30)

  • Fartlek: A 20min session which may involve 50% faster running and 50% slower running at difference distances of both.

  • Mona Fartlek: Specific faster/slower sessions. I.e. 2 x 90sec hard/easy; 4 x 60sec; 4 x 30sec; 4 x 15sec. Total time: 20mins

  • "4x1km": The aim is to run all stated distances at the same decided pace. I.e. run 4 x 07:00 pace kms

  • "8x90sec hard/90sec job": The hard intervals should be fast. Shorten your stride, lift your knees and use your forefoot instead of heelstrike.  Think track athlete! 

Half Marathon Training Plan (May - Aug 2016) - Post-Injury

OK! The final plan (fingers crossed)!

I created this plan once I was no longer benched with an injury.  We decided to start at smaller distances again, and were pleased to note that the first couple of weeks had distances we could easily cover.  I used the following resource for inspiration and guidance:


These are the terms as described on the original plan


  • SS (strength and stretch): Do your own routine or take a yoga class.

  • CT (cross-train): Do cardio other than running such as biking, swimming or a cardio class.

  • Rest: You don't have to skip out on exercise entirely.  Take a walk, do some stretches or use a foam roller to massage your hardworking legs.

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