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  • Sammy

Metamorphosis Maximus

When I was writing my last post, I realised that there has already been a lot of changes for me since the start of this journey.

Some of these changes are small and have gone largely unnoticed until pointed out to me, and some are hugely surprising because they go against the very grain that that has been me my entire life.

Here are a few changes that I have noticed:

1. Early Mornings

The fact that there are volunteered early morning in my life is probably the biggest change that I have noticed in my new lifestyle.

Not only am I (mostly) able to open my eyes on time in the morning, but I actually get out of bed instead of rolling over and going back to sleep!

I have also noticed a massive shift in my exercise preference time.

I used to always workout straight after work or in the evening before bed because I couldn't bring myself to get up to early with my commute. And then, even if I did manage to get up early, I felt so dead to the world that I was convinced I couldn't be doing the workout justice.

Now, if I don't workout in the morning I am really disappointed and drag my feet to the treadmill in the afternoons like a spoilt child.

I definitely prefer to get it done in the mornings now!

2. General Exercise Anticipation

I want to exercise. Enough said.

Even on my 'rest days' I find myself thinking of what I could do when I get home and find myself being quietly excited about building my strength and endurance. Just, cut it out.

I have also noticed that I have a lot more enthusiasm for an outdoor weekend activity if it is in line with my exercise schedule.

Bodysurfing? Fuck yeah, I have a cross training workout scheduled!

3. Body Exercise Prep

Exercise preparation in general is now a thing for me. I have a dedicated early morning exercise routine that start as early as lunch the day before that includes anxieties like: "I better drink more water for tomorrows run"; "If I eat that for dinner I will definitely have a food hangover"; "Wine? No thank you, I don't want to undo all the water prep I have done for tomorrow".

The morning of includes specific caffeine, protein and liquid intake post run as well as a poop schedule.

I have a poop schedule. Enough said.

My mornings go something like this:

  1. Shower and dress straight into gym clothes.

  2. Coffee for caffeine (and for poop).

  3. Protein ball for energy and so my tummy doesn't cramp.

  4. First Poop opportunity.

  5. Drive/train to the city (40mins).

  6. Walk to the office (10 min warm up).

  7. Second Poop timeslot.

  8. Stretch.

  9. Splash water on the top of my pants (to stop them rolling down my lava lamp lady lumps).

  10. Wrap myself in my robin belt, staminade and water bottles, headphones (if Rhi isn't with me). Start MapMyFitness, Start C25K (or whatever app I am using for intervals).

  11. Out the office door for run.

I have already become one of those people that has to complete these things in this order before a run and if I don't my run will be hell. Also if I don't drink at least 3litres of water the day before my run will be hell. And if I eat bad food or drink alcohol the night before..... you got it, my run will be hell.

4. Social activities versus Training Activities

My fitness program includes 5 workouts a week minimum. In order to prioritise these workouts and ensure I successfully complete them (and don't sleep in/wuss out) I have found that I am constantly making life decisions based on what I have on my daily schedule.

Go shopping Wed after work? Hmm, sorry I have a bike ride scheduled.

Movie Friday night? Id love to but I don't want to be tired for my cross training in the morning.

The worst thing is that I have struggled a long time with social anxiety, so running for an hour around the block appeals to me much more than a day down the beach or going shopping.

I have like, three friends.

I'm not sure I can afford this kind of social substitution.

5. Water consumption.

While general common sense, I have always really struggled to drink water.

Other than a glass every now and then (literally, one a week?) I never consumed water until I came to Australia, and only in the summer. Even then, I drank so much coffee that I generally consumed enough liquid to keep me going.

Now, since I have been exercising so frequently, I crave water.

At home, I must have water in whatever part of the house I am in. That drink bottle may as well be glued to me. Yay, me!

6. Food preparation

I just spent the last 8 hours of my Sunday prepping food for the week.

Food prep has always been something other people did and something I couldn't be bothered doing.

Granted, there are other things I would rather be spending my Sunday afternoons doing, but it is so satisfying to be able to come home from work and a ready made healthy meal is ready to go.

This is a massive contributor to my healthy eating. If I don't prep, I am too prone to fast food options when I am tired.


Sometimes it seems my whole world has been tipped upside down. And I'm only 10 weeks in!

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