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  • Sammy

Week 7: Merry Marathon

This week is the last week of work, the work Christmas party, the start of my holidays and then actual Christmas.

So many Loves and Hates all at once. I will leave it to you to decide which is which.

Rhi and I decided we would switch around our work-out schedule for the first part of this week to accommodate for the amount of social obligations and other crap we both had to deal with.

Old schedule:

New schedule:

This means that we can go to work on Wednesday all done up for the afternoon work Christmas party, without having to take a tonne of makeup and other lady obligatory crap to work to try and look presentable after a morning run, and then we can get utterly smashed at the Christmas party without fear of intense dehydration issues while working out on Thursday.

We thought it was a pretty smart idea.

Monday's run went off without a hitch and both of us felt much better about ourselves and the horrid week we had both had the week before.

When we finished, I guiltily felt euphoric about the fact that I wouldn't have to run again until Thursday. I was purposefully not thinking about Thursday also being Christmas Day.

On Tuesday Rhi and I had planned to go for a bike ride, but half way home from work decided we would just do our own cross-training for the night and so I smashed it out on the elliptical while watching Pitch Perfect. Fat Amy is definitely my spirit animal.

Wednesday's work do was not nearly as coma-inducing as I expected. Mostly because it was about 50 degrees and the pubs veranda had metal seats. METAL SEATS?! You know we live in ADELAIDE, right?!

It was so hot, that my butt made it's own Rorschach ink blot on the back of my skirt that told everyone how much I enjoyed drinking cocktails and wearing heels in that kind of weather.

Once that was over, I realised that I was officially on holidays! Whaaaat?! And then went into some kind of worm-hole until Sunday because not only did I not work out, I also don't remember much of those last couple days because of the intense amount of "nothing" that I accomplished.

Stay with me.

Christmas was great. Yadda, yadda... Sunday!

I woke up Sunday morning with a great big feeling of "bloody hell, I need to do a run".

Because it was Christmas week, I considered it a win that I even intended to work-out for 3 of the scheduled 5 days.

So, totally pumped, I chucked on my trainers and slipped out the front door before my brain could tell me to do otherwise.

I had decided for the first time to go on a different track around the burbs that I live in, following a set of green and grassy areas between streets, there is about a 5km track that goes in a giant loop back to my house.

Chris and I had found this one day on one of our rare "let's walk the dog" adventures.

I decided to do the run I missed on Thursday which was made up of a 5min warm-up, and two 10min runs.

The first 10mins took me through the burbs, behind the high-school and just past the dog park. As usual, (because, vain) I felt like everyone was watching me and ran like they were cheering me on. Whatever works, right?

I caught a few breaths while walking my rest increment across the reserve green, and then had to jump across the 'snakey-looking-creek' and run through the rest of the reserve and back to the main rd.

It was only 22degrees and while running through that reserve, but I felt like my face was burning. But I finished the run and mentally high-fived Rhi like we usually would when we complete a work-out.

Merry Marathon everyone!

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