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  • Sammy

Week 6: Biological Warfare

Week 6 gifted me with 5 days of over 40 degree weather and a mild case of the flu.

What a week.

How do you get the flu in the middle of summer? This literally happens to me every year. I am allergic to everything that blooms/seeds/sheds in the summer time. Yay, me!

Rhi and I were up early on Tuesday to do our run and I had sweat rolling down my back at 6.30am before we had even started.

Fortunately that meant that my new Abi and Joseph Amour 7/8 Tights stuck to me by sweat alone. Thanks to my Aunty Gemma for putting me onto Abi and Joseph! Amazing!

I bought a 3-piece special which included a tank, some tights and a sports bra for $150. Great value and amazing quality clothing! Although my lady bits wouldn't fit in the sport bra - no surprises there!

The run was a massive struggle but we made it.

Rhi and I have both noticed a massive factor affecting our run quality which is completely psychological.

If we expect a run to be entirely unrealistic, unachievable or just down-right mean in difficulty, we tend to have some kind of super-human determination and complete the run with an easy-breezy-beautiful attitude like it was nothing.

If, like this week, we had a much more difficult run the week prior, and think that the current run is supposed to be easy in comparison, we some-how feel as though we are running up Mt Everest and struggle to complete it.

What is this, some kind of self sabotaging reverse psychology?

Whatever it is, I don't like it. "Don't be cocky or you will fail. But expect to fail, and you will succeed"? Alright, Yoda.

The rest of my Tuesday continued as it usually would, except that by the end of the work day, I felt as though I had swallowed a basketball.

This resulted in me sulking at home on Wednesday and Thursday, skulking around the house like an angry Naga. If you already knew what a Naga was, kudos.

This also meant, due to the fact that I was struggling to breathe, that I was unable to do Wednesday's Cross Training.

I went back to work on Friday but at a serious struggle so I couldn't bring myself to run then either.

Friday afternoon I started to perk up (it was my Birthday Dinner Friday night, so, yay!), but Saturday morning and my flu had evolved into a beautiful nasal whistling sinus infection and I steadily declined into another Naga-Rage which kept me mostly inside for the weekend playing our newest copy of D&D The Legend of Drizzt. Amazing game!

Week 6 completed, and this week I managed to get out the house and train only once!

This is the first time, since I have started, that I have had such a long break in my training which only made me anxious about getting started again.

How much will I struggle now? Have I undone all my progress? Have I broken my motivation?

Rhi and I decided that we would repeat the Week 6 training program to give us a fair chance to get back on track.

Since we start our Christmas break next week, it will also be interesting to see how well we do with keeping up with our nutrition and training days without the routine of work to keep us honest.

I'll keep you posted ;)

See you after Christmas!

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